It seems like every diet these days recommends protein, and it’s not hard to see why – protein keeps you feeling full longer than other macronutrients, and it can help you build muscle mass, both of which are important when trying to lose weight. However, it’s also important to note that while protein is great in the short term, it may cause some harm over the long term when consumed in large amounts. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of consuming high amounts of protein.
Protein Makes Us Stronger
Your body requires protein to build Musclesblaze, tissues, and bones. Protein sources like meat, fish, eggs and dairy are all great additions to your diet because they have loads of essential amino acids that can also help you lose weight by improving your metabolism.
Although it’s tough to pin down exactly how much protein you need on a daily basis especially since high levels of protein can cause fatigue it’s recommended that healthy adults consume at least .36 grams per pound (or .85 grams per kilogram) of body weight every day. For example, if you weigh 130 pounds (59 kilograms), you should aim for about 46 grams daily. There are many other benefits from getting enough protein in your diet; find out what makes protein so important here.
Protein Boosts Metabolism
Protein helps you burn calories, even when you’re at rest. When your body digests protein, it produces an enzyme called glucagon. This enzyme triggers your liver to release stored glucose into your bloodstream, which keeps your blood sugar levels stable. By contrast, eating carbohydrates triggers insulin secretion—which is another hormone that signals cells to store energy from food as fat. For these reasons, protein can help you maintain lean muscle mass while reducing overall calorie intake by keeping you fuller for longer periods of time than other macronutrients can.
Protein Helps Protect Against Disease
A recent study, published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found that women who ate diets high in protein (19% to 25% percent) had a 30 percent lower risk of heart disease than those who consumed less protein. What’s more, researchers from Harvard Medical School found that people who consume higher amounts of protein are less likely to die from any cause than people who eat less protein. A diet rich in proteins may also protect against cancer and improve kidney function. Plus, it’s believe that eating lots of lean protein may help you live longer.
Protein Intake is Associated with Increased Mortality
A high intake of protein may increase your risk for certain diseases, such as cancer. For example, in a study done at UCLA and published in the July 2014 issue of Cell Metabolism, researchers found that among almost 29,000 people who followed for an average of 10 years, those who ate more than 95 grams of protein per day had an 80% higher mortality rate. These people also were find to have many health problems including cancer and kidney disease. This result was surprising to many experts since prior studies find that eating more protein was associate with lower obesity rates. But Dr.
Our Bodies Need Essential Amino Acids, Too
Protein is an essential part of any diet, as it serves to repair muscles blaze tissue and allows our bodies to move. However, animal protein is not require in order for our bodies to be healthy; some experts claim that high levels can actually be harmful. While proteins are make up of amino acids, not all amino acids are essential, meaning that we can make them on our own. The non-essential ones including those from plants or from dairy products are still important but we don’t need nearly as much of them. Eating more plant protein has link with high consumption of healthier fats like omega-3s while animal proteins have link with increase risk for heart disease.
Eating Too Much Protein Can Damage the Kidneys
While high-protein diets have been credit with aiding weight loss, muscle growth,
and preventing age-related weight gain, research suggests that eating too much protein can harm your health. A study conducted by researchers at McMaster University found that increased consumption of animal proteins increases calcium loss in urine
which raises risks for kidney stones and causes oxidative stress (referred to as oxidative damage). Another study found that men who consume more than 95 grams of protein daily
(about double what most Americans eat) showed signs of accelerated cellular aging
which could increase the risk for certain cancers. So while you don’t need to cut back on
protein completely, it’s important to make sure your diet is balance
so you’re getting enough vitamins and minerals from other sources as well.